Tony has been part of the NPS Realty Team for over 8 years. He is in charge of overseeing and handling the technical requirements of the clients and ensures that all requests are met on time. When he’s not working, he likes playing badminton and spending time with his family.
Read more about his Q&A here:
What are some of your hobbies?
Playing badminton and basketball
What is the most exciting part of the business?
The most exciting part of the business when we have a meeting with clients and unit owners because you get to know the clients better and understand their needs
What would be the most challenging part of the business?
The most challenging part of the business is convincing the clients to close the deals with our team, especially when you are competing with other agents in Makati. Each transaction is different and every step is key to make everything go smoothly.
Share a quote or a life lesson you have learned throughout your years of experience:
"He who does not ask looks wise for a minute, remain fool forever, but he who asks looks like a fool a minute, but then becomes wise forever."